RJF Accomplishments
Here are just a few of the ways Randy Jones and his team have impacted the San Diego military community over the past couple of years:
- Padre Games… Randy plays host to service members with their families to be his VIP guest on the field to meet the current Padres, to watch batting practice, and in addition the kids are able to have their picture taken with Randy, coaches and players. They are all given Padre gear, autographs and then Randy personally escorts them to one of his BBQ stations at the Park where he then treats them to one of his famous “Brawts or Dogs”. The VIP experience is topped off with field level seats to enjoy the game.
- Golf Clinics…. Randy plays host to military kids for on-the-course golf lessons by some of San Diego's top teaching pros. Some kids are being introduced to the game for the 1st time. They are taught the fundamentals of the golf swing, rules, etiquette, and how to have fun on the course. Afterwards Randy provides a BBQ for the families and always makes himself available for pictures & autographs.
- Fishing Trips…. Randy plays host to service members with their families on a deep sea fishing boat off the shores of San Diego. The families are treated to a VIP fishing experience they will never forget. After first being met by Fish & Wildlife Officers, they are then educated on safety, species of fish and what they can expect to catch out at sea. The boat is equipped with fishing poles and all of the tackle needed for entire group. There are always a few anglers on board to ensure plenty of fish are caught and everyone is treated to all the food and drinks they want. Randy never fails to provide plenty of time for pictures & autographs throughout the day.